Our Mission
The mission of Westside Church is to help people take their next step towards Christ.
We do this through Spirit Led Worship, Teaching with Purpose, Encouraging and Serving, Powerful Prayer, and Sharing the Gospel with those around us.
We do this through Spirit Led Worship, Teaching with Purpose, Encouraging and Serving, Powerful Prayer, and Sharing the Gospel with those around us.
Our Vision
Westside will be a church growing spiritually for Christ, applying the standard of God's perfect Word as the absolute authority over our lives. We will grow by following Christs example as we embrace all people through the ministries of our heart in worship, our feet walking with other beliebers sharing in fellowship, our head learning God's Word din discipleship, and our hands serving other in ministry through caring, missions, and evangelism. We will strive with excellence to grow together in Christ.
What We Believe
We believe that Jesus Christ loves you, died for you, and rose from the grave to save you. We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the most essential of all beliefs, and so we proclaim boldly that we worship the resurrected savior, Jesus Christ.
To learn more about our Distinctive beliefs, click below:
To learn more about our Distinctive beliefs, click below:
OUR Leadership

Our Lead Pastor
Lead Pastor
After 23 years of having Ed Emmerling as our pastor, he left in Dec of 2024 and took a position at our Baptist State Convention of Michigan offices. We are currently seeking a new pastor.

Mindy Bradow
Mindy and her Husband Jason have been attending Westside Church since 2009. They have 2 beautiful teen daughters and a sweet toddler to keep them young. They stay busy with them and their activities but still find time to serve faithfully in the church in many ministries. Mindy was asked to serve on staff as our administrative assistant. She leads out in our adminstration and oversees our facilities to keeps us running smoothly.

TIM Taipalus
Associate Pastor
Tim and his wife Tammy have been a part of Westside Church Since 2016. They have a heart for the hurting and helping people take another step toward Christ. Beginning in 2019 Tim came on staff to lead our ministry to families and his life experience and testimony have helped him to walk alongside many people in their life transformation through the Gospel. Tammy leads out in our Women’s Ministry and uses her passions and gifts to help ladies in their spiritual journey. Tim is a gifted communicator and is passionate minister of the Gospel. They attend with their son Kendall who has some special needs. He is a blessing to our church in so many ways. They have 3 adult daughters and 1 granddaughter also who are wonderful blessings.

Adam Hinde
Worship Director
Adam came to Westside in 2016 as a teenager and found Jesus as his personal Savior in November of that year at our Youth Evangelism Conference. Soon after he began playing with our worship team and under the leadership of Alexis Marrero and Matt Wagner flourished in his musical abilities and learned to be a leader under their supervision. He began to take on more and more responsibilities as he grew in his spiritual development and skills. He began to serve as our part time Worship Director in 2024. He loves all things music and desires to lead our worship team to humbly serve with excellence and passion.

Jason Bradow
Associate Pastor
Jason’s family has been attending Westside Church since 2009. He served as a volunteer lay minister until 2019 when he came on staff leading our evangelism and missions ministries. Jason is a skilled craftsman in many construction trades and has a degree in Organizational Management with a minor in Bible. Jason communicates the Gospel in a humble authentic way that causes audiences to let down their guard and listen up. He has a heart to serve God sharing the life changing power that he has experienced with others near and far.